woman eating popcorn watching tv

6 Inspirational Movies That Are Sure to Change Your Life

What is the first thing you do after your exams get over? Watch some inspirational movies maybe? What about after a hectic day at the office? Movie time! This evergreen activity rejuvenates your soul and refreshes your mind.  It doesn’t matter if you are a small child or an old man descending into retirement, the…

girl with tattoo on her face-why people don't you

11 Peculiar Reasons Why People Don’t Like You (and one reason to not care)

If you’re anything like me, or like I was, it kinda really bothers you when you find out people don’t like you. You’re fairly certain you’re a nice person with a good heart. You feel you are likable enough. So what gives? Why don’t people like you? Why people don’t like you I use to…