11 Rare Habits Mentally Strong People Have (that you should adopt today!)

11 Rare Habits Mentally Strong People Have (that you should adopt today!)

Do you ever come across someone and after spending some time with them your first thought is “wow, what a confident person!”?. Like they ooze self confidence. This is one of the character traits of mentally strong people. It’s not just that they are confident, they have this incredible mental strength that sets them apart…

Prioritizing Relationships-Why It’s So Important, Now More Than Ever

Prioritizing Relationships-Why It’s So Important, Now More Than Ever

According to a 2018 survey from the Economist, one out of every four Americans consistently feels lonely, left out, and a lack of companionship in their lives. In today’s article by guest author Justin, he’s going to discuss the importance of prioritizing relationships. There are many factors that play into the rise of the loneliness…

4 Simple Tips to Calm Down in Stressful Situations!

4 Simple Tips to Calm Down in Stressful Situations!

At some point in your life, you have probably found yourself literally pulling your hair out. You know, the feeling where you just cannot seem to relax. You feel completely overwhelmed. It is like the walls around you are just caving in. Does that feeling sound familiar? My guest author today is going to share…