
25 Fun Things To Be Grateful For

Last Updated on 2 years by Iva Ursano

You’ve heard it a million times. Be grateful for what you have and you will have more things to be grateful for. It’s just the Universal law. It has to be. According to Abraham Hicks, our thoughts and energies dictate our life. I truly believe this. Today I’m gonna share 25 random and fun things to be grateful for you may have overlooked.

Have you ever woken up grumpy, had poopy thoughts all morning and then your whole day goes to Hell. Do you know why this is? Because your thoughts, feelings and energy set the tone for the day.

If you stayed grumpy and didn’t even at least try to change your attitude, then you’re just gonna stay sad, grumpy and poopy the entire day.

That’s no way to spend a day!! When you take two minutes to stop and practice daily gratitude you’ll notice your energy shift, as well as your day.

There are a million things to be grateful for

Amirite? I mean, just stop and look at all the things around you. If you were to make a gratitude list of everything it would probably be a thousand miles long. Sadly though, too many of us count our problems.

How many times have you heard someone say “count your blessings”?

I’m guessing probably lots of times. Why do you think they tell you that? That answer is simple! When you count your blessings instead of your problems, the latter goes away and more good things show up in your life.

I love how this gratitude stuff works!

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Count your blessings!

I totally know how easy it is to get caught up in the problems we face. I’ve been through hell and back and have wallowed in self pity more times than I care to admit. That whole count your blessings thing was the farthest from my mind.

I have problems dammit and lots of them. I have nothing to be grateful for right now!!

This is how I used to behave. Pathetic, I know. I’ve grown a lot since those cranky days and now, no matter how bad things are, I am always looking for things to be grateful for.

Gratitude quotes are amazing at realigning our thoughts and reminding us of how beautiful life is and help us to practice daily gratitude. You can check out this blog I wrote on gratitude!:

15 Gratitude Quotes to Remind You How Truly Blessed You Are

Do you keep a gratitude journal?

If you write in your gratitude journal daily, kudos to you!! I do and if I skip a day I try to express gratitude verbally throughout the day. I like to stop and look around at all the things to be grateful for. Things like:

  • clean water to drink
  • blue sky
  • sunny days
  • my clothes
  • my pillows/bed and blankies

Things like that. These little things remind me how blessed I am. Being down here in Guatemala, so many don’t even have clean water or a bed. Many sleep on the ground, on dirt. I wish I was joking, I’m not.

It’s this level of poverty that I’m surrounded with that keeps me in gratitude.

Anyway I found this really cute gratitude list in a Facebook group the other day and instead of stealing it (which is bad) it gave me the idea for this fun article!!

Here are 25 things to be grateful for and/or activities you can do to bring about a more positive life! I hope you enjoy this list and try to actually act upon each suggestion every day and then….

Watch your life improve!!

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25 Fun Things to be Grateful for

  1. Your teeth and mouth – Smile at everyone you meet today
  2. Your eyes to help you see things – Be grateful for all the beautiful things you can see today
  3. Your heart that pumps life and love throughout your body – Tell someone you love them today
  4. Your hands that help you do things – Be grateful you can use a phone or keyboard
  5. Money for necessities- How blessed you are to have money for food, rent, utilities, etc.
  6. The Internet- The amazing internet that lets you sit here and read this now
  7. Friends – Tell your friends how much they mean to you
  8. Helpful people – The people in the service industry who do things behind the scenes for you
  9. Phones and communication – Use your phone today to call someone and say hi!
  10. Facebook, Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp – They help you stay connected with loved ones!
  11. Hair products –  So you can look amazing and have gorgeous hair all the time
  12. Hair elastics – On lazy days when you feel like loving yourself
  13. Hair stylists – Glory days for them who work hard to make your hair look stunning
  14. Mirrors – So you can go admire yourself and tell yourself how much you love you!
  15. Flowers – Go pick some today and put them on your table
  16. Transportation – Bus, train, your car, your bike- all these amazing things get you to where you need to go
  17. Dreams and goals – Dreams mean you are alive and your heart and brain are working well together.
  18. Medicine – Natural or otherwise, thank God there are things to ease our pain and suffering and heal us
  19. Spiders – They eat mosquitos and flies
  20. Clothes – Keep you covered and warm
  21. Deodorant – Grateful to always smell fresh and clean- (yay!!)
  22. Fire – Thank God there is a way to cook food.
  23. Food – Veggies, fruit, treats, yum yum yum!
  24. Our voices – Happy to hear your words like “I love you” “You look beautiful” “I’m happy to see you”
  25. Pets – Grateful for our furry or otherwise companions who bring joy to our lives

Don’t you love that list?? I want to add one more thing (and it’s a wee bit of self promotion if I may!) to that list. I was able to learn how to create courses, pages, ebooks and so much more. I am grateful to be able to learn how to do these things and have the tools to share them.

Please take a few minutes to check out my new Amazing Me Movement Shop. It’s so friggin awesome. Click the link here or the image below to see all the self help and self improvement tools in there.


10 ways to show gratitude

  • Write out 5 things you are grateful for right now.
  • An hour before bed, shut down electronics and just breathe and be.
  • Give yourself a hug
  • Give someone else a hug!
  • Do 15 minutes of exercise and be grateful for your strength and muscles
  • Learn something new and share it with someone else
  • Do something really crazy fun (sing out loud, dance in your living room, go ziplining, salsa dancing, etc)
  • Be gentle to yourself if you make a mistake. Acknowledge that you tried your best.
  • Say something uplifting to a stranger today
  • As soon as you open your eyes in the morning, every day, say thank you for another day of life.

How many things to be grateful for was that??

There are so many things you can do to bring more blessings and gratitude into your life. Now you’re probably thinking, Iva a lot of the stuff on this list is kindness stuff. Yup. You’re right. It sure is. But…

When we do kind things for others, without expecting anything in return, it brings about such immense gratitude in our lives. Don’t forget that.

Kindness breeds gratitude!

But the number 1 thing I am grateful for is YOU! Reading this, sharing this, and passing more kindness, gratitude and love around the world. The world is changed by our example, not our opinion and the more kind things we do, the more love we spread, the more gratitude we express, the better the world will be.

Our world needs love and kindness, not hate and anger. Be the change you want to see in the world.

Peace and Love

xo iva xo

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  1. Hi Iva, I’ve just found your page and was reading some articles.. how do I know what’s current and what’s old?? They are time stamped but there’s no date. I’m particularly interested in the moon phases and what I may expect to happen.. just wanna make sure I’m reading the ones for now and not old ones ??

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