a buyer's guide to angel cardsPin

How To Know Which Angel Cards Are Right For You: A Buyer’s Guide

Last Updated on 3 years by Iva Ursano

I’ll be the first to admit, when I had my spiritual awakening (6 years ago) and made the decision to become an Angel Card reader, I had no clue which decks to buy. There were so many to choose from I was completely overwhelmed. I wanted them all! Honestly, I wanted to buy all the Angel cards decks, financially, no way!

I spent hours on the internet reading up on all the decks I could find and many hours in the only store we had in our city that sold them, reading the backs of the decks and admiring them all. It was not easy. My goal here is to make it all easier for you!

What are Angel Cards?

Now you probably already have a basic understanding of what exactly they are but I want to shed a bit more light on that burning question. Many still believe you have to hire a private Card reader (like me) to get a good reading. Such is not the case.

Now don’t get me wrong. I love doing readings and not trying to shoot myself in the foot here or kill my Angel Card Reading business, but, the fact of the matter is, you can do one yourself. I’m not going to show you how (that might be another blog post) and if you do want to hire me you most certainly can. Click the link to find out more about my private readings and Angel messages (Angel Card Readings).

This guide is just to help you choose which Doreen Virtue decks might be right for you. In reading, practice becomes perfect. And it takes time. Time to feel and understand the Angel messages.

(side note-though Doreen Virtue no longer does Angel Card readings or promotes them at all, I still use her decks. She’s just changed her beliefs and I totally get how people do that but it doesn’t take away from the power and love these Angel Cards decks provides)

Angel cards deliver divine messages to you that you need to hear, usually at the exact moment. They offer guidance and help when you feel stuck in some spot of your life. When you do a reading for yourself, you will see the perfect card will come up just for you and your situation.

They are quite simply, Angel messages for you, filled with love.

One thing you must remember is that there are guardian angels all around you all the time. When you finally decide to choose a deck, your guardian angel will be with you while you choose and when you do your own reading.

(this post contains affiliate links so if you make a purchase I make a small commission affiliate disclosure)

So let’s get to the buyer’s guide.

Simply click on any of the images to learn more about them and order the deck that is right for you!

Which Angel card decks are right for me?

They’re all so pretty, amirite?

Now you’ve probably been dealing with a certain issue for awhile. Or maybe you are looking for some guidance on a particular area of your life. Or maybe you want to become an Angel Card reader yourself? One would think that every deck is right for you.

Not exactly. I mean, there are no wrong cards but there definitely is the right deck for you.

I have a really nice collection of Doreen Virtue decks. Most I bought myself, some were gifted to me. I love most of them. Not all of them. Most of them. For example, this deck below was gifted to me but it doesn’t resonate with me at all. However, it may resonate with you if you follow the Saints closely. I don’t. It’s a deck I used once and never took out again.

My Favourite Angel card decks

Saints and Angels Oracle Deck

angel card deck-saints and angels

Below are some of the most popular Angel cards deck that I think might be right for you. Remember this is only my opinion and while I believe it does hold some value, you still must listen to your gut instincts and follow your intuition, especially when choosing a deck.

If it feels right, it’s right. If it doesn’t feel right, it’s not right for you.

Daily Guidance From Your Angels

daily guidance angel card decks

I’ll admit, this is one of my favourites. Easy to follow and understand. It’s a daily guidance deck so you can choose a card daily, depending on how you feel. The cards never fail to address the issue at hand for me or my client. If you need daily guidance, even with the smallest tasks at hand, this would be a good deck for you.

Angel Tarot Cards

angel card decks

Now while I absolutely love this deck I would not recommend it for the beginner. It’s very intense and it is Tarot meaning, it’s not just Angels but the “characters” (for lack of a better word) from Tarot as well. If you are familiar with Tarot, then you may like this deck, otherwise, I would caution against this deck.

However, with that said, this is a fantastic Angel card deck for a full 12 card spread or a yearly reading. The handbook is very detailed with great explanations.

Angel Therapy Oracle Cards

angel card decks

This was my very first Angel Card deck and I still love it to this day. The guidebook is awesome at helping you to tune into your intuition and to understand the Angels, who they are and what they do. I would definitely recommend this deck for any beginner or as a first-time deck. The messages on each card are also very detailed and beautiful.

Messages From Your Angels

messages from your angel card decks

I love love love this deck. This is a great deck if you want to know exactly what message the Angels have for you with regards to an issue or situation, no matter what it’s concerning. I use this deck often because the messages are just so powerful and always spot on.

Healing With the Angels

healing with the angels oracle cards

Another beautiful deck and this is a deck I would recommend buying if you are need of healing, any kind of healing whether it be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. The messages in this Angel cards deck are, well, very powerful and healing.

This is a deck I would recommend using daily if you are trying to heal from physical or emotional pain.

Butterfly Oracle Deck

butterfly oracle angel card decks for life changes

Do you love butterflies and looking for guidance with regard to a life change? This is your Angel card deck. The messages are simple but powerful. They will give you the push you need to go ahead and make that change.

I use this deck often and always manage to pull the best card for the reading.

Archangel Michael Oracle Cards

archangel Michael angel card decks

Another one of my favourite Angel card decks but this one is for this reason: at the bottom of each card is a beautiful and powerful prayer to Archangel Michael to help you clear blocks or give you strength and courage and that’s what Michael is all about. Busting blocks, clearing paths, being brave, and making bold changes in faith.

If you need some cord-cutting or an extra dose of courage, this is your deck.

Archangel Raphael Healing Deck

archangel Raphael healing angel card decks

Though I don’t own this deck it is definitely next on my list to get! Archangel Raphael is the almighty healer. Healer of our hearts and old wounds. He helps us get through depression, sadness, and anything else that is hurting our soul and keeping us from living the life we truly deserve. It’s also an amazing deck if you are needing some self love and struggling to find it again.

It’s just a beautiful, loving, and powerfully healing deck.

So many Angel card decks to choose from!!

Now while I only listed some of the more popular angel card decks, keep in mind there are so many to choose from. Listen to your heart and dig deep into the issue or situation you need guidance with. Though none of these decks may be right for you, though I doubt that, be sure to study the back of the deck before you make a purchase.

Fear not though, if you bought a deck that you ended up not really liking, gift it to someone!

If you still feel you would prefer a private reading because you need a tad more guidance, please click the link, and let’s chat! I love doing readings and helping people bust through blocks to get that mindblowing, earth-shattering A-HA moment!!

Private Angel Card Readings.

Now before I leave you, I want to share one more card deck and book that I think you might like. I only share with you things that I have used and absolutely love love love!!

Not trying to be sales-y, just trying to help!

A friend of mine recently introduced me to this book and she has already mailed me the deck that goes with it (I’m super stoked to be getting it). The Universe Has Your Back.

If you haven’t heard of it yet, get it. If you’ve seen it and been thinking about it, get it. This book has blown my mind in more ways than one. I have it on my Kindle and can’t put it down. SO much powerful information in there. oh….my…God!!!

The Universe Has Your Back

the universe has your back by gabrielle bernstein
The Universe Has Your Back

…and here are the cards. I’ll probably be doing Lives over on my Facebook page with these cards as soon as I get them. Woot!!!

The Daily Universe Has Your Back Messages

the universe has your back daily inspirational messages
The Universe Has Your Back Inspirational Messages

Best Angel card decks

I hope this little simple guide on how to buy the best Angel card decks answered a lot of your questions. I always tell people to read the decks, if you are in a store pick up the box and feel it. If it calls to you, it’s yours. If it doesn’t, choose another one.

Ooh!!! So much awesomeness I can barely stand it!! xoxox

If this post helped you at all, or if any of my blogs do, please click on the cute little blue button below to help support my work.

With much love always


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