how to live a healthy lifestyle-happy lady jumping

How to Live a Healthy Lifestyle in 21 Simple Ways (Mind, Body and Spirit)

When we think of living a healthier lifestyle, the first thing that comes to mind for most people is “stop eating junk food, greasy food, bad carbs/etc” but it’s not just your physical health that matters, your emotional health, and spiritual health are also extremely important! In this article, we’re going to talk about how…

smiling woman-how to build self confidence

How to Build Self Confidence in 5 Powerful and Effective Steps

Feeling confident is complicated, and it can vary in levels of intensity from day-to-day. Building confidence is never-ending; It’s a daily practice and a life-long journey. Today we’re going to discuss how to build self confidence in 5 powerful and easy steps! Growing your self-assurance comes in stages and phases, all of which teach you…