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10 Let Go And Move On Quotes That Will Set You Free

Last Updated on 2 years by Iva Ursano

I love quotes and I love sharing them too. Today I am sharing 10 of the best let go and move on quotes that will help set you free so you can find inner peace and be happy.

When I was in my really dark place I read a ton of quotes and read an awful lot of self help books, but these are the ones that really helped me move on and gave me some of my self confidence back.

I mean, you gotta admit, being in a dark place is no fun. Some of us do whatever we have to do to get the heck out of there. Fast. Some of us stay there for too long. My hope in writing this blog is that it may help some of you get out of your dark place sooner.

I sincerely wish that for you.

Life is meant to be lived to the fullest in joy and love, peace, and happiness. If you’re in a dark place right now please take in these quotes and feel them in every ounce of you. Feel them, live them, breathe them, and heal.

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How do you let go of someone you love?

Let’s face it, it ain’t no fun to have to break up with someone, regardless of who the dumper/dumpee is. It’s still hard to let go and move on.

When I’m in this situation I always take extra time for self care. To love myself, know myself, and treat myself better. So many people wallow in sorrow and spend hours doing the ‘oh I hope he/she comes back’ thing.

But let’s face it, the relationship ended for a damn good reason. You simply aren’t meant to be together. Take this time to work on who you are and what you need/deserve and require in a good relationship.

You may find out that being in a relationship isn’t so good for you right now after all.

You might really like my mini self help eBook on how to love yourself. Click the image below or thelink here to grab your copy now.


Let’s move on to the letting go quotes which is why you’re here in the first place. If you happen to love one of the quotes, don’t forget to hit that Pin it button or share the blog out so your peeps can read these great quotes too!

10 Let go and move on quotes

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We don’t live in the past and though I know you’ve probably had a lot of terrible things happen, you have to live for today only.

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No matter what happened in the past, don’t beat yourself up over it. Whether it be a bad relationship or a career mistake, whatever it was. Time to move on and let it go.

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Too often, it’s hard to move on from the past because we still hold on to anger and pain from the past. This is one of my favourite letting go quotes. Instead of holding on to all that pain and hurt, send them love, and move on.

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I know how hard it can be to let go of certain people but know that when you release them, you make room for better people to come into your life.

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The sooner you do that, stop wasting your time on the wrong people, the happier you will be. Not everyone deserves your attention or presence. Remember that.

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If you keep holding on to the problem you will never see or find solutions. Forget the pain and the problem and start looking for solutions for a better life.

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Boom! Another one of my favourite letting go quotes. Stop talking about, whining about, and touching your pain. It will never heal as long as you keep rubbing it.

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This one is for those of you who are still stuck on your ex’s or still hurt from them. There definitely is someone out there better for you. Trust!

If you are having a really hard time disconnecting from your ex you might like this

mini self help eBook on how to cut cords of attachment.

Click the link below to grab your copy now. It’s truly an amazing and powerful self help eBook. 

How to Cut Cords of Attachment. 

you're good enough quotesPin

I think for many of us, our biggest problem is that we don’t think we are worthy of anything great and we give ourselves to the wrong people. Know you are worthy and let go of the thought that you aren’t. You are good enough.

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And the grand finale of letting go quotes. This should be number one but I saved the best for last.

Everything is temporary.

The good, the bad, and life. Don’t take life too seriously, learn to forgive quickly, love unconditionally and don’t let anything dim your shine.

Don’t forget to share these let go and move on quotes!

This is my little roundup of letting go quotes. I hope some of these resonate with you. Life sure can be hard and poopy at times, I totally get that, trust me I do, but I found a lot of peace and happiness in forgiveness and reminding myself that life is short.

It’s also meant to be lived in peace, joy, love, and happiness. Not anger, hate, hurt, frustration, and full of grudges. Learn to let go and move on. This is your life. You get to write each chapter in your story.

Careful what you’re writing.

Remember you get to choose how you want your life to be played out. This is your story, your movie, your party. You get to invite people or ask them to leave. It’s all up to you.

Peace and Love

xo iva xo

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    1. Right? I’ve done that too many times but lessons learned nonetheless xo

    2. Omg I have no bank account right to send u s coffee trust me I will buy u a jar, move or inspired and the rest u done them all. My Favourite was “it won’t heal if u keep on touching it” luv it luv it.. I’m going to reword that and have it tattooed on me in Latin. .
      Yur quotes more than moved me. These will stay with me me throughout my healing journey . I’ve got a Of healing from childhood . Thank you

  1. I love quotes too, It’s amazing how you can be going through a hard time and you browse by one uplifting quote and you suddenly break a smile!!! I love don’t worry there is someone better that will give you what you deserve – Never settle

    1. Quotes got me out of plenty of dark times. Thanx Amina!

  2. Powerful post. Once we manage to let go, after a struggle, life has a new meaning and the sun shines again!

  3. I love these quotes, my personal favourite quote that gets me through most hardships is “Be string now, for things will get better. It might be stormy now but it can’t rain forever” :) xx


    1. Yay!! They have helped me so much too Sherree!!! Thanx for reading and glad you liked this post! xoxo

  5. Love all these wuotes,looking for a past wuote that was uplifting to me yrs ago thought wrote it down but can’t find it IT WAS A WUOTE ABOUT WORK!!!! IT WE THIS WENT SOMETHING LIKE THIS. I’M SO TIRED OF DOING THIS JOB WITH LITTLE OR NOTHING………ETC MAYBE YOU’VE SEEN OR HEARD IT

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