smiling woman-how to build self confidence

How to Build Self Confidence in 5 Powerful and Effective Steps

Feeling confident is complicated, and it can vary in levels of intensity from day-to-day. Building confidence is never-ending; It’s a daily practice and a life-long journey. Today we’re going to discuss how to build self confidence in 5 powerful and easy steps! Growing your self-assurance comes in stages and phases, all of which teach you…

stressed girl- warning signs offinancial stress

4 Warning Signs Your Home Is the Cause of Your Financial Stress (and anger)

The Feng Shui geek in me comes out for this blog. I love Feng Shui and everything about it. When I started dabbling in it I knew I wanted to take a course to become a Practitioner. So I did. Please keep reading before you run off and think “oh this woowoo stuff again”. It’s…

wall mirror, energy, intense, feng shui, proper placement, home decor, abundance, wealth, good, bad

The Do’s and Don’ts of Hanging Mirrors-Powerful Stuff You Should Know!!

It’s Feng Shui time! I’ve recently just moved and was stuck with a wall mirror I couldn’t effectively place anywhere which is the catalyst for this week’s blog post. Mirrors are a big thing in Feng Shui with powerful energy and if you don’t hang them in the right spot or get the right mirror,…