How to Turn Your Home Office Into a Money Making Machine.
Last Updated on 4 years by Iva Ursano
We all know one or two people that know a lot of stuff about a lot of stuff, right? I happen to be one of those people. I’m not bragging or boosting my ego, it just is what it is. I constantly learn, study, take courses, etc. If you checked out my website, you’ll see that I’ve had a very colorful career life.
You haven’t looked at it, yet? Ok, well go do that now. I’ll wait. I’m a Feng Shui geek by all counts. I love everything about it. Because of all this crazy ongoing learning, I’m always in my home office.
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My love of Feng Shui took me to Ottawa for a one week intensive course to became a Certified Practitioner. The practice just completely blows my mind. I am always in awe with its results and how easy it is to do. Feng Shui is by far the easiest and quickest way to change everything in your life.
Most people are still in the dark about what exactly Feng Shui is and how it works. Unfortunately, most people still think it’s some crazy woowoo religion or funky witches shenanigans. It’s not. Of course.
Without going into a full out story about what Feng Shui really is, I’m gonna give you Iva’s condensed version and then go right into the topic for today. Feng Shui for your home office.
Definition of Feng Shui in Iva’s language
Feng Shui is the practice of turning your space into a harmonious, loving, abundant, happy place with the simple act of taking what you have in your home, your things, objects, art, etc, and placing them where they belong. It’s also about getting rid of yukky horrible stuff in your home that is leaving negative energy in your space.
It’s that and so much more but the practice of Feng Shui is simple. Turn your home, office, apartment, etc into a happy, prosperous, peaceful place.
So let’s get started.
This is the basic bagua map. It is my bible. This is the only map you will ever use with Feng Shui. EVER! Save it, copy it, print it, share it. It is your guide to a happier life. You will line up this map to your home office. The bottom line is to be lined up with your door. Back left corner (purple square), when standing in your doorway, is the Wealth and Prosperity Area, front center (in this pic you can see it is the black square), usually the doorway area for most, is the Career Area.
There are 5 main elements in Feng Shui that must be used in each area. Fire, Wood, Metal, Earth and Water. In the map above you can see the primary elements for each area. You can also see the colors that are used in each area.
Try to use them in some way. It’s pretty simple but if you have a hard time with it, shoot me off an email or comment below and I’ll be more than happy to help you with this.
The basic rules of home office Feng Shui
1. If your home office is cluttered and messy, clean it right now. Like ASAP. Go on!! You absolutely positively cannot have peace and harmony with clutter. No way no how. Are there piles in the corner that you have been meaning to get to but haven’t had the time? Make the time. I’m telling you right now. Trust me on this one.
2. You should never sit at your desk with your back to the door. If you do, try to put a mirror on the wall to face the door so you can see if anyone is coming in. That way you won’t be scared outta your tree when they bust in. Or, if you can, rearrange your space so you can see the door easily.
3. If you don’t have a window in your office put a picture up that has beautiful outdoor scenery. Place that picture where you can see it. If you do have a window, make sure to open it daily and get some fresh air moving in there. Replace the old stagnant air from yesterday with new sweet air! Unless you happen to live near a farm or sewage plant, then a fan will do.
4. If you can, place a soothing fountain in your office, preferably in the Career Area. If you can’t do that, then place a mirror or picture of water there. If you do have a fountain, make sure the water gets cleaned weekly!!
5. The far back center wall is in the Fame Area. You will want to enhance this area with awards or certificates you have, pics of people that inspire you. This is a Fire area so here you can place a nice lamp or candles, but easy on the water. You don’t want to put out your fire, right? NO mirrors here.
6. Front right corner is Helpful People and Travel. You will want to enhance this area if you need help from others, need referrals, want to travel. I love this area. Here you can place spiritual things, angelic things, positive affirmation things.
7. God I love this Feng Shui stuff!!!!
8. Plants are great enhancers! They add life and beauty. Flowering plants are best but money trees kinda rock too!! If you can’t place real plants, artificial ones are good too as long as they don’t look cheap or tacky AND you keep them clean. Yes, that means you have to dust them occasionally.
9. At the end of the day, clean off your desk and make room for new work. Don’t leave seriously old dead files on your desk. They’re dead, right? Get rid of ‘em!! As a matter of fact, anything in that office that is old or dead or useless, get rid of!
10. Far back right corner is the Love and Relationship Area. Make sure to have something in this area that is pretty and *loving*.( I mean, I know you’re in here busy working but you can’t forget your loved one either. )A pair of rose quartz crystals, a picture of you and your loved one. Two of anything that resonates love with you will suffice.
That should be enough to get you started to make your home office into a rocking money making room! A few little important rules. These are pretty important actually so pay attention.
Follow these 5 simple rules when applying Feng Shui to your home office
· Don’t go crazy in one day and make all those changes. In Feng Shui, 2-3 a week is all you should do. So pick two things and do them this week.
· When you make a change, or a *cure* as I like to call them, visualize what you want to transpire from this change. For example, if you want more helpful people, while you are placing a figurine of an angel in the corner imagine that someone has just referred a bunch of clients to your business. Yay!!
· Always have a positive attitude when curing or de-cluttering.
· If you have something in your office that you don’t like, an ugly picture from your ex-mother-in-law or a vase your best friend bought you but you never liked, get rid of it. It’s negative, you hate it and its energy is lingering in there. You don’t need that kind of energy.
· Resist the urge to go to a random Feng Shui site and buy every little Chinese trinket they insist you NEED to bring prosperity into your life. You can enhance your office easily with the things you already have.
Making money online just got easier
There you have it my friends! I guarantee that if you make these few simple changes, the feel and energy in your home office will shift and you will be a star in no time!! So many people overlook the obvious, ok well it’s obvious to me, when working from home.
You have to remember that just because you work from home doesn’t mean you should be too relaxed about your work. You still need to act like a professional and take your work seriously. If you still worked in an office with a major company would your office look like a pig sty?
I sure hope not!! Clean up your home office, make a few tweaks and watch your business soar!
I told you this was gonna be easy.
Happy Feng Shui’ing
Peace and Love
That’s interesting, Iva!
I’ve never thought about some of that stuff. Can you really have a water fountain inside? I thought they were just for landscaping purposes! I’ve always wanted one! :)
No way Josh, I have a beautiful table top one! It’s a beautiful piece with a light and the soothing sound of trickling water. In Feng Shui, water flowing means money flowing..:)..It’s a must have in any home!!
Can we do the same step in the bed room ? Like keep a fountain in the bed room ?
Well, that really depends on lots of things but normally, bedrooms are in the fire area of the house, so no water. I wouldn’t recommend one in there.