How to Use Gemstones To Heal Every Area of Your Life
Last Updated on 3 years by Iva Ursano
The Feng Shui geek in me comes out for this blog. I love Feng Shui and gemstones to the moon and back. I live eat sleep and breathe gemstones and Feng Shui. I kid you not. These two things, as well as my faith in God and the support of the Angels is what keeps me in flow of abundance and happiness.
True story.
I have almost 100 stones in my collection now, mostly tumbled little stones but I also have a couple of nice geodes that were given to me as gifts and a few pieces of jewelry made from stones. Gemstones have great healing properties, physically and emotionally.
My all time favourite stone is probably the Rose Quartz crystal. The stone of love, and I have oodles and oodles of them. I think the Sunstone comes in as a close second.
Sorry I got a little carried away there. I love all my stones but the point of this article isn’t to talk about my stones and which ones I love the most
Healing crystals
I have to admit, I knew nothing about gemstones and the healing powers of crystals until about 10 years ago. I just thought they were all pretty little stones you wear to show off to your friends and family.
Boy was I wrong. Soon I started reading and learning more and more about these precious little gems and my whole world changed.
As did my jewelry collection and rock collection.
(this post contains affiliate links so if you make a purchase, I make a small commission-affiliate disclosure)
I discovered this book and I learned so much from it. Even to this day I refer back to this book for guidance.
I have volumes 1 and 2 but I just noticed she now has a collection of three. You can check those out here. It’s called bible for good reason. These books have all the info you will ever need to understand your gemstones and to guide you to purchase the right ones.
These little gems do more than just enhance your wardrobe, these healing crystals truly can and will improve your health and your emotional well being. If you don’t believe me, just buy one or two and try it out for yourself.
Using Gemstones with Feng Shui
Gemstones are used in Feng Shui to cure or enhance any of your life areas. I’m going to list my top 10 stones and how you can use them. I write an awful lot about Feng Shui simply because I practice and follow it faithfully. It truly does have amazing powers that can help you with absolutely everything in your whole life.
Anyway, let’s get on with the healing crystals and how to use them in your house and space to help you live your best life ever. I’ve included pics for each stone (affiliate links) so you can see their beauty (and grab one or two or 10!!)
Clear crystal quartz
-clears negative energy and is great to use as a room cleanser. To protect a room place one quartz in every corner. This is also a power stone and it is used to energize other stones and amplify their healing properties.
Rose quartz
-the stone of love. Use it to bring love to you or feel more love for yourself. You can also use it if you are feeling unloved and low, to pick up your spirits a little and help you feel more loving. Place a couple or a whole bunch in your Love and Relationship Area
Tiger eye
-the power stone for confidence, protection, grounding. Also for prosperity. Use it if you need a boost in confidence when dealing with a sticky situation. Career, Fame, or Centre area.
-this is my relaxing, meditating, spiritual stone. It is used for calming and to bring peace and balance to you. Helpful People and Travel or Knowledge and Wisdom Area
-I love this stone for the simple fact that it is rare to find. This is called the merchant’s stone (as is the Garnet and Citrine) and you should place this stone in the area where you bring in money. Careful with this stone, it’s toxic. Wealth and Prosperity Area
-another money stone, also a stone of love and emotional healing. Wealth and Prosperity or Centre
-this stone never needs cleansing, also known as a money stone or the merchant’s stone. Keep some in your cash register, wallet or purse. Wealth and Prosperity or Career
-is a happy stone, lifts spirits and brings joy and optimism to you. Helpful People and Travel or Love and Relationship area
-the deep green color is so beautiful! This stone is great to use for protection against negativity. Centre or Family and Health area.
Black Obsidian
-is a super powerful stone to protect you from negativity. It is also a great grounding stone. Center, Career area or front door
How to care for your healing gemstones
This is just a small list of ideas and some of the more commonly used stones in Feng Shui. Make sure you cleanse your stones after you bring them home from the store or if someone has touched them (citrine doesn’t need cleansing). Your stones are precious to you and should only carry your energy.
I like to place mine on a windowsill during a full moon. The moon recharges them.
You can also use sage to cleanse your stones. I often do that too when I need to clean them and the full moon is nowhere to be found!
When you are using your stones make sure you program them, with affirmations, to do what you want them to do. For example, if you are feeling low or gloomy, grab your sunstone, hold it tightly and ask it to lift your spirits and bring you joy. Then carry it with you for the day.
Hope you enjoyed this little piece today. If you ever have any questions, please feel free to shoot me off an email. I’m always happy to hear from you guys!
Happy Feng Shui’ing