5 Tips to Manifest Love, Money and Almost Anything Else You Desire!

5 Tips to Manifest Love, Money and Almost Anything Else You Desire!

See how I slipped the word almost in there. I would rather be safe than sorry. I don’t need anyone coming back to me and say “Hey, that manifesting stuff didn’t work for me, you’re a liar”. Eek, that would horrify me if anyone did that. I don’t want to give anyone any false hope….

one simple technique to get through divorce anger, how to deal with divorce bitterness, dealing with anger from divorce

One Simple Technique to Get You Through Divorce Bitterness

Getting your life back after divorce can be hard. There are financial issues, co-parenting, and emotional roller-coasters to ride that can leave us feeling exhausted, wondering if we’ll ever move on and feel happy. Among these stressors, one of the most challenging obstacles to overcome when recovering from divorce is one that can grab hold…

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What to Do When Your Spouse Wants a Divorce (but you don’t)

“I’ve had enough. There’s nothing left that can bind us together. I’m leaving you.” Can’t believe your ears? Hard for you to accept the fact that your wife is out of the relationship? These are not mere “words”. She is claiming she wants a divorce and she means it too. For you, everything was just…