If You’re a Blogger You MUST Check Out This Platform That Pays!!
Last Updated on 4 years by Iva Ursano
If you’re a writer, like me, finding places to share your beautiful work can sometimes be challenging. We want views, we want engagement, we want shares and we also wouldn’t mind a little bit of money from these great posts, amirite? This year I discovered one of the best writing websites that in my opinion is overlooked and probably not even heard of by most.
I actually came across this writing website about two years ago and didn’t give it a second glance. Didn’t even try to figure out exactly what it was. Nope. I saw it, skimmed through it quickly and then closed the tab. Not for me. I was sure of that.
And then this year in March I went back to have another peek. Cautiously, but with an open mind. Squinting lightly, I whispered to myself “what is this place?”
In walks Medium-one of the great writing websites
Now before you step away from this blog and think this isn’t for you, pay attention. If you’re a blogger, THIS IS FOR YOU! Whether you’re a personal development blogger, a business blogger, a mom blogger, a health blogger or a Christian blogger there’s a place for you here. I promise. Go see.
When I first stumbled upon Medium I was certain it was for business type people and geeks. I really saw only news stories, tech blogs and block-chain articles. Nope this certainly is not my cup of tea. Without a doubt, at that time, it wasn’t one of the writing websites I thought I could remotely be interested in.
But then someone nudged me and said “Iva just go take a peek”. That I can do. And I did. And I was pleasantly surprised. This is my cup of tea!!
So I went ahead and created a profile, added a pic and away I went. I started in March at 0 and now have almost 1000 followers. As you can see, my bio in the profile is short and sweet and has a link in it. Check out other profiles to see what they look like to get a feel.
You can follow me here!
This website platform has a pulse
There are real people here who truly want to read your things. I promise! They clap, engage, share, highlight and the best part of it all, you get money! Yay money! So lemme explain a wee bit about how this beautiful site works for those of you who are unsure.
But first this….
Though I look at Medium as more of a platform for writers and creators, it kind of is one of those writing websites. I mean, it’s a site filled with great stories from great writers and bloggers like you and me. It’s interactive, it’s stimulating and it’s free. Sort of.
How Medium works
So let’s dive into this a little deeper. The Medium platform is a website that pays you for your stories, but, only if you pay to be a member. The fee? A measly $5 a month. That’s it that’s all. Like anything in the online world, you have to pay to play. The difference with this writing website is that you actually see a return immediately, depending on how much material you put out each month. So you see, it’s a website that pays you for your stuff! Even stuff you already have. More on that below!
Now if you don’t want to pay the $5 a month and just use it to grow your brand and your blog you can certainly do that too! For non paying members you are allowed to add in all your call to actions, offers, books, whatever you have on the table. If I’m not mistaken you can even add in affiliate links. How well or poorly those do, I’m unsure. You’d have to test that for yourself.
My first month on Medium I made almost $100. Not bad considering all I did was take blogs from my site, edit and repost them on Medium. I made my $5 back and then some! After 10 months I’m now in the 3 figure a month earnings. Can’t complain about that either considering I only pay $5 a month. Someone say Boom!! One writer I know makes 4 figures consistently every month but she writes a lot on Medium.
Publishing stories is stupid simple.
So let’s get to the good stuff. You have two options: write a new story or import one from your existing blog. I like to do both. Because my blog is a couple of years old, I’ll go through it and hand pick ones I think will do well on Medium, copy and paste them into the new story part on my Medium profile, edit it a wee bit and hit publish. The reason I copy and paste is because if the blog date is old, Medium will push the story down on your profile meaning, it won’t show up as a fresh article.
If you just published a new post on your blog you can simply hit Import Story in your Medium profile and poof! There it is. Make sure you add an epic image and you can even tweak the title a wee bit to make it more engaging. I find Medium story titles are a little more punchy!
You can add links within your story and of course, images or gifs! And for all you Pinners, don’t forget to create a pinnable image for your story (not in Medium) and Pin it!! Your URL will obviously lead back to the link in Medium. More eyes on your Medium profile, more followers, more engagement and more money! Yay! And if you’re using Tailwind, all the better!! If you’re not using Tailwind you seriously don’t know what you’re missing!! Tailwind=crazy intense traffic to your site!!
Engage engage engage!!
The secret to success on Medium is engaging with other writers and the readers! Medium has a clapping system in place which is kind of like a Facebook post. You click the “Like” button on Facebook, on Medium you ‘Clap’. The big difference here is you can only “like” something on Facebook once. On Medium you can clap up to 50 times for one story (we writers really like 50 claps by the way!). Now if you are a paying member, the more claps and engagement the better and the more money you make. Yay!!
I find if you take the time to leave well written comments on other stories, especially on writers who have a big number of followers, you’ll get noticed and get more followers. More followers means more engagement and, you guessed it, more money!! Yay!!
Find writers in your niche, follow them, engage with their stories. Tweet their stories out. Share them. Keep in mind Medium is one of the best writing websites that pay you but engagement is the key to your success. Not only that, you may even make some new friends! Can’t go wrong there.
In summary
Let’s all be honest here, we didn’t start blogging because we were bored and had nothing better to do. Nope. We started to not only help people with their problems and issues, or share tips and tricks with them, but we also want to make a little bit of passive income and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Finding writing websites that pay you can sometimes be tricky. Medium pays you. If you use it properly.
You already have done a ton of blog writing on your own website. Why not get it out in front of another audience?
You have the potential to make 4 figures a month on one of the best writing websites that pay you, that too many bloggers are overlooking! Don’t be that blogger! Here’s to your success.
By the way, don’t forget to hit that share button and tell all your other peeps about this too!
Peace and Love
xo iva xo
(this post contains affiliate links so if you make a purchase I make a small commission but the best part of that is the more I make, the more hungry bellies I can feed here in Guatemala-win win!!)