Are You An Empath or Just Too Sensitive?
Last Updated on 3 years by Iva Ursano
When I came across this quiz to determine if I was an empath or just a highly sensitive person, I had to take it. I would like to think that I’m an empath. I think many people think that maybe they are just too sensitive when in fact they really are empaths or vice versa.
The difference between a highly sensitive person and an empath
To keep this explanation really simple, the highly sensitive person feels his or her own emotions in reflection to someone else if they are sad or angry. An empath feels the other person’s emotions as well as theirs.
They almost absorb, if you will, the other person’s energy.
That’s really just a very brief explanation but you can Google a deeper one. I’m just trying to keep this short and sweet.
I’ve always considered myself an empath as I can feel a person’s emotions literally as soon as I walk in the room or meet them. Some people are harder to read than others but 9 times out of 10, I can definitely feel it. Some say this is a gift, others think it’s a curse.
I honestly think it’s a gift.
Am I an empath or a highly sensitive person?
Well after taking this extremely short and simple quiz, here are my results: