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15 Just Move On Quotes to Help You Let Go

Last Updated on 3 years by Iva Ursano

Ah the break up. It hurts like hell and you never even saw it coming. Or maybe you did. Maybe you are the one who broke up with your partner. Either way, breaking up sucks. Yes? I remember when I finally dumped my toxic boyfriend I had to read an awful lot of just move on quotes!!

These it’s time to move on quotes helped get me through one of the worst periods of my life. It was hard for me to make the decision to leave but when I finally did, I was never happier.

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I know a lot of people love to read all kinds of hope quotes and inspirational quotes and over on my Facebook page I share a ton of them. But it’s important to really read them and let the message sink in. It’s one thing to read and gloss over all the moving on quotes you read but it’s another thing to take in the meaning.

Do that more please. It will help you heal. I promise.

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Here are my 15 favourite just move on quotes

Read them, share them, pin them to your board, do whatever you have to do but make sure you get the message, the real meaning behind these moving on quotes. I share them with you now to help you heal because I know what it’s like to have to break up and move on.

It’s not easy. And it hurts like hell. These break up quotes will help you regain your self confidence and self esteem. Two very valuable selfs we lose when we break up with a partner.

  1. Sometimes you have to die a little inside before you truly understand how to live.

This one is hard hitting. Sometimes we have to do the things we don’t want to do but when we do, we finally come to life

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2.  Not everyone you lose is a loss. 

Now that may seem hard to believe at first but you have to realize, sometimes we need to let certain people go in order to move on happier.

3. Never cry for someone who hurts you. Just smile and say ‘thanx for giving me a chance to find someone better than you. 

Ouch. This one is a hard hitting moving on quote but it reminds you that you can and will find someone better who loves you as much as you deserve and treated the way you deserve to be treated

4. If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello. Paulo Coehlo

Yes it’s hard to say goodbye but you have to trust that the Universe has your back and will reward you with something that will blow your mind. This is one of the most powerful moving on quotes as it reminds us that when we get rid of things that are no good for us, there is always something better coming to replace it.

5. If it hurts too much to hold on then it’s time to let go

It shouldn’t hurt to hold on and if it is hurting you then letting go is the only option for you. Were you holding on for too long for nothing? I love this letting go quote. It just confirms what we already know: let go.

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6. You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep rereading the last one.

This too is one of my favourite moving on quotes. How are you supposed to move ahead if you are stuck on the last chapter of your life? You won’t. Turn the page. Move on. It’s time for you.

7. Sometimes good things fall apart to let better things fall together. 

I know  you think what you had was good, but sometimes good isn’t good enough. Sometimes there is something so much better waiting for you. Trust this.

8. Things end, people leave, life goes on. 

As cold and heartless as this moving on quotes sounds, it’s really not. It’s just showing you, or telling you, that not everything is permanent and no matter what, life still goes on.

9. Once you’ve made the decision to move on, don’t look back. You will never find your future in the rear view mirror. 

BOOM! This moving on quotes is so friggin powerful!! You can’t look back. You have to keep moving forward and looking ahead. There is nothing behind you anymore.

10. At some point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart but not in your life. 

Remember that not everyone in your story belongs in the next chapter. People come to us for a reason. Some are lessons, some are blessings. And then they go. Let them.

11. You may have hurt me but you didn’t break me. You don’t have that much power.

Remember who you are! Remember you are strong and brave and courageous. Remember your self worth, self respect and self esteem. Don’t give anyone too much power over you or your heart.

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12. Let it hurt, let it bleed, let it heal and let it go. 

Yes you are allowed to feel pain and hurt and grieve but you have got to remember that you must let it go. I think of all the moving on quotes, this helps us validate our pain but remind us not to stay in heart break. It reminds us to let go.

13. If you can love the wrong person that much, imagine how much you can love the right person. 

Oh how I love this letting go quote. Every time I read it I always want to shout “YES!!”. I may not have the right person right now but I know he’s coming and the love will be even more brilliant then!!

14. Walk away from people who make you feel you are hard to love. 

You are not hard to love and if someone makes you feel like that then they don’t deserve to be in your life. Remember how your partner treated you? Did they make you feel hard to love or be liked and appreciated? You don’t need that in your life. I love this break up quote!!

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15. There’s nothing left for you in that space so let go and move on.

And  how powerful is this moving on quote?? Boom again. When the space is empty or not so full of love anymore, it’s time to leave it and move into a space where you are wanted.

Don’t forget to share these quotes!

I hope you enjoyed these just move on quotes. You can head on over to some other blogs here on my site and find more break up quotes, hope quotes, letting go quotes and inspirational love quotes. These are sure to help you get to the next stage of your life which is pure happiness and joy!

Please share this blog or Pin your favourite poster quote. Sharing is caring.
I love you

Peace and Love

xo iva

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  1. GREAT QUOTES!!! MY FIANCE WAS MURDERED 4 MONTHS AGO, AND I THOUGHT THE PAIN WOULD NEVER GO AWAY!!!! I CAME TO REALIZE THE ABUSE/ PAIN HE PUT ME THROUGH WAS WORSE!! EMOTIANAL and physical scars won’tgo away, but you know what??? I am stronger, and wiser, and I will never allow it again. I am worth more than that. So through grief, I found myself, And through grief my life was saved

    1. Omg I’m so sorry to hear this but so glad you made such a revelation! so powerful xoxox

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