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77% of People Can’t Pass This Sexuality Test.

Last Updated on 2 years by Iva Ursano

Wait, whoa, wha?? Did someone say sex? Phew. Oh wait, sorry. Sexuality. So combine sexuality and test and you got nothing but fun fun fun here. Why am I so excited about this one anyway? You know when I look for quizzes, only the best will do for you guys, and me too, and this one didn’t fail to deliver.

I had a riot doing this sexuality test.

Though this test may make some of you blush or feel a wee bit squirmy, take it anyway. Some of the questions I struggled with but managed to get them all answered anyway, obviously. I think when we hear the word, sexuality, we automatically think of sex, or is that just me?

Sexuality is also how you feel, act, and portray others. Some people hide their sexuality (meaning they don’t want to appear too sexy) while others flaunt theirs.

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Sexuality test

I’m a combination of both: I hide it and I flaunt it, all depending on the mood I’m in I guess.

Anyway after answering all these questions, I managed to pull off an 7 out of 10. They tell me I did pretty well and am no novice to sexuality. Oh! The ones I got wrong kind of embarrassed me.

The average penis size? No clue.

Your turn

Take this fun sexuality test and find out if you are part of the 77%. If you aren’t too shy or embarrassed go ahead and drop your results below. We’re all adults here, amirite?

If you liked this quiz, why not take some time and check out my quiz page. There are a ton of super fun quizzes over there!!

And before you leave, have you checked out my self help guide yet? It’s POWER-full and LIFE changing. Check it out here! 

Peace and Love

xo iva xo

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