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6 Personal Development Books For Women (Updated 2022)

Last Updated on 3 years by Iva Ursano

You know, 7 years or so ago when I realized my life was slowly starting to sink into rock bottom I did something I had stopped doing years ago. I started reading books again. But this time I knew I needed something other than Stephen King. I started reading personal development books for women.

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I honestly believe the first step to personal growth or self-improvement is recognizing that you need help and that you can’t do it alone anymore. I had finally sunk to the bottom, rock bottom that is, when I realized it was time to kick my healing into high gear.

I devoured YouTube videos,I listened to audios and read a ton of self-help books. I also read a lot of free mini-guides online “sign up now to get your free guide to xyz” Some of those helped, many didn’t.

If you love listening to motivational videos you might really like my YouTube Channel, Women Blazing Trails. Click here to check out this video and to get a feel for what I do! Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button while you’re there!

Do self help books work?

So many people think that self help books are a waste of time and money. They don’t think they work. I totally get that.

But don’t discount the power of them either. Most of the authors of these books have gone through some serious trauma in their life. They weren’t born with silver spoons in their mouths.

Some of them even hit rock bottom, like me. Maybe even like you. Maybe you’re still there. Maybe you can’t afford to buy booksright now.

I couldn’t. But I got to a point where I couldn’t afford not to buy them either. I found the money. I bought the books. I changed my life.

At one time, I never really believed self-help books could even help me. I kinda thought they were all a bunch of baloney, to be honest. Until I bought my first one. It was at that moment, I totally got it then. The writers of these books don’t just want your money. They truly want you to have a happy life.

I appreciated their sincerity. I needed it.

So do self help books work? YES! If you apply yourself and make them work!

You need to love yourself first before you take care of others

Too often we put other’s needs before ours. We are people pleasers. We do everything for everyone else, except ourselves.

And then you find at the end of the day you are mentally and emotionally exhausted. Hard truth-we did that to ourselves. Sorry not sorry but that’s a fact.

We forget about our own well being. I have a newsflash for you.

You are more important than anyone else on the planet

Read that again. And again.

Why is it so hard for us to believe this? What about our families and our kids and our spouses and and and…aren’t they the most important people?

Nope. I mean, yes, they are important too. But not as important as you are.

If you have run yourself to the bone trying to make everyone happy what good are you to anyone at the end of the day, especially yourself? Don’t you think you deserve happiness?

And please don’t tell me you are happy serving everyone but yourself. I don’t buy it.

Yes helping others does make us happy. But in order to have total fulfillment and contentment, the cherry on top of the cake, if you will, you need to be on that list of ‘people you make happy’.

Plain and simple.

You need to work on yourself and your own happiness. We should all strive to have personal development goals in order to be a better version of ourselves, not only for us but for the people around us.

Otherwise you’re just exhausted and empty.

What are the best self improvement books?

I actually get asked this a lot. “Iva, what are the best self improvement books”? That’s probably one of the reasons why I decided to write a blog about it and share what I think are the best personal development books for women. Now don’t get me wrong, men can read these too!

It’s just that most of my readers are women so I tend to address them first.

But if you’re a guy and you’re reading this because you read the title and you’re a rebel, well kudos to you man! Keep reading!

6 of the best personal development books for women

Before we get to the best personal development books for women, I want to share my mini series You Are Amazing. It’s a small collection of self help eBooks to help you get through whatever issue you are facing.

Click the link here to check out the You Are Amazing mini series or the image below.

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In no particular order, and I’ve even included the self-help book I wrote this year, here are the books for personal development that I feel will really help you take your life to the next level of healing and recovery:

Radical Forgiveness

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This was one of the first personal development books I bought and devoured it quickly, and then went back and read it two more times. A powerful book on learning how to not only forgive those who hurt you but to forgive yourself for any things you keep tormenting yourself with. There are amazing tips and tricks in here to use to help you forgive people.

I so love this book. This was beautifully written and a pure powerhouse!

The Power

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Another book from Rhonda and a favourite of mine and though I did buy The Secret and enjoyed that one as well I found this book to be more, shall I say, it just resonated more and I found it was easier to believe and follow. Though The Secret was good there are many things in that book I don’t really subscribe to.

The Power takes it to a whole new level. If you’ve never read any of Rhonda’s books I would recommend starting with this one and skip The Secret altogether. #mytwocents.

Another one of her books,The Magic, was also really good.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k

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Honestly, everyone should read this one. We stress too much about stuff that just doesn’t matter and we place too much value on people and things that don’t really deserve it. This no bull book will totally change the way you look at things, people, and life.

Clearly there is strong language in this book so it’s def not for everyone. You should check out his work on his site. It’s pretty profound. I think he’s my twin

You Can Heal Your Life

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Awe-Mazing!!! This book was on the top shelf in my nightstand and I referred to it often. Louise Hay is so genuine and loving and her books are soothing for any broken soul. This book goes into great depths to understanding your pain and emotions and healing them all on a very natural and intuitive level. I love this book with all that I am.

She clearly explains how some of your physical pain is linked to your emotions. That was the first time I had ever heard this and my mind was blown. It made so much sense to me!

R.I.P sweet Louise. May your work and your legacy live on forever.

You Are a Bada**

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Boom!! Jen Sincero is raw and real and doesn’t hold back. This self-help book is funny, empowering, uplifting, and very real. When you are done this book you will have no doubt in your mind that you are, indeed, a bad**s and you are great!! This one comes with colourful language so reader beware.

I wrote this article on Jen Sincero quotes awhile back and it is an internet favourite! Go take a peek.

10 Jen Sincero Quotes to Remind You How Badas* You Are

And coming in at last place is my own book. In this book, I share with you my personal story and all the tools and tips and tricks that helped me get out of rock bottom and live a happier life. You can enter code mymojo50 at checkout for 50% off the book!

From Hell to Happiness

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This book is very dear to my heart as it’s the first time I’ve taken my whole life, trauma, and tribulations put it all under one roof and shared it with the world in hopes of making a difference in even one life.

And don’t forget to check out my mini self help eBook series You Are Amazing.Click here to check them out and see which one is right for you!

Best personal development books for women 2022

If I had to recommend just one, I honestly wouldn’t be able to. Each one of these personal development books for women (excluding mine of course) got me through some very troubled times. I have to put 5 stars on all of them.

I really do believe that any book on self-help is going to be filled with information to get you through your hard times and is going to be a must read self-help book!!

Clearly I can’t recommend or review all self-help books. So many of them deal with many different issues. I can’t say if they are good or not. I have read a couple that did little for me. Sometimes, it’s the writer who doesn’t engage me at all even though the content of the book is amazing.

There aren’t any bad books in my opinion. Each is written with love and guidance. I truly believe that anyone who has taken the time to write one of these books sincerely wants to help the reader, you.

Have you checked out my NEW and powerful 21 Day Life Changing Challenge yet? You and me for 21 days. Me pushing you to make changes and do hard things. You committing 100% to change your life. It’s friggin amazing! Click here to find out more and if you’re really ready, use coupon code IAMREADY at checkout for $50 OFF!!

Help is at your fingertips, always

Know that right now, if you are going through a hard time, or feel stuck or frustrated, you’re not alone and there is help, always, available. Reach out to a friend, or a counselor or someone to talk to. Things will get better. Everything is temporary. Even the bad times.

If you feel speaking to a professional would be more beneficial to you, please check out I’ve recently partnered with them and I think their programs and services are amazing. Click the link or the image below for more information.

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With much love

xo iva xo

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