Full Snow Super Moon in February-A True Spectacle!!
Last Updated on 6 years by Iva Ursano
Are you ready for this super moon spectacle? Are you ready to kick some dreams into high gear and kick some shit to the curb? Are you ready?? So when is the next full moon? Brace yourself. It’s just around the corner. And she’s gonna be a beauty this month.
So when is the next full moon?
Tuesday February 19th will be a lunar spectacle. A super moon, called snow moon this month, will affect all signs in a big big way. The moon will be big for the two days prior to Tuesday as well. Look way up on Sunday and Monday and you will catch a glimpse of the beginning of this beauty.
The one warning with this super moon however is that it’s called a snow moon for a reason. Certain parts of North America may see heavy snowfall (sorry!). Here’s to hoping that doesn’t happen anyway.
Full super moon in Virgo
So what does all this mean now anyway? Well the next full moon is in Virgo which is super awesome for all of us. If you know anything about Virgos they are no bs, get stuff done, analytical, leave useless things in the trash, focused and determined kinda peeps.
That’s a good thing.
We’re a little over a month and a half into the new year. How are your goals going? What about your resolutions and plans? Are you making progress? What’s not working? Maybe you have to go back to the drawing board. Do it. So what. Some things aren’t working right now. Big deal. Move on and try something else.

Go after what you want, now!
This is the full moon to get it. Whatever your goals or dreams, chase them down and do whatever it is you have to do to make them happen this month. This next full moon in Virgo is action oriented. Productive, hard working, kicking down doors and taking names.
But before you go off doing all that, make sure it’s not done in selfishness. Karma is a bitch, remember? Try to do things from a place of love, not greed. When we do things from love, pure love, it comes back to us tenfold. When we do things from a place of greed, bad things happen.
Use your head but take your heart with you.
Full moon rituals
Now if you follow any of my new moon or full moon blogs, you’ll know I love performing full moon rituals. And lately, I’ve been whipping up a fresh batch of full moon water too. Don’t knock it til you tried it. Amazing!!
You can learn more about those here:
Full Moon Rituals
Full Moon Water
These two blogs are a must read! They contain step by step instructions. Follow them.
This is a time for action
Take action in all your dealings, work, home, family life, love life, dreams and goals. You name it, it’s time. Follow your heart and go after what you want. This next moon wants you to do that.
Peace and Love
xo iva xo