sad woman- best books on healing from narcissistic abuse

10 Best Books on Healing From Narcissistic Abuse

If you just ended a toxic relationship with a narcissist, this article is for you. Being in a narcissistic relationship is more damaging than people realize. Here are 10 of the best books on healing from narcissistic abuse. If you know anyone who is in a narcissistic relationship or an emotionally abusive relationship, please share…

gratitude quotes

15 Gratitude Sayings That Will Remind You How Blessed You Are

Who loves inspirational quotes and sayings? Raise your hand now. I love them all. Positive inspirational quotes, deep life quotes, confidence quotes, blessed quotes you name them I love them. Even the funny ones! But truthfully, my favourites are the gratitude sayings and quotes. Why? Because though you can read a million motivational and inspirational…

sad woman-signs of mental exhaustion

6 Warning Signs of Mental Exhaustion (don’t ignore these!!)

You know that feeling you’ve been having. You’re tired but you’re not sure why or where it is coming from. You’re cranky and losing patience. You try to fight it but it’s getting close to the breaking point. These are just a few of the many warning signs of mental exhaustion. The breaking point of…