smiling woman-how to build self confidence

How to Build Self Confidence in 5 Powerful and Effective Steps

Feeling confident is complicated, and it can vary in levels of intensity from day-to-day. Building confidence is never-ending; It’s a daily practice and a life-long journey. Today we’re going to discuss how to build self confidence in 5 powerful and easy steps! Growing your self-assurance comes in stages and phases, all of which teach you…

game over, believing in yourself, don't give up, attitude, success, limiting beliefs, life lessons, life changing, how to change your life, goal setting, achieving goals, words of encouragement, self improvement, self confidence, self esteem, self worth, how to be happy,

Why You Should Never Give Up On Your Dreams (no matter what)

It’s easy to throw in the towel on our dreams sometimes, amirite? They’re taking too long, it’s frustrating, nothing’s working. I get it. But I’m gonna tell you why you should never give up on your dreams, no matter what. I’ve recently been feeling like this. I work hard, up to 12 hours a day…

woman sitting on dock-ways to combat stress

5 Ways to Combat Stress and Depression (and why it matters)

Do you constantly find yourself feeling stressed or overwhelmed with your responsibilities? Experts say that people under high stress can experience unhealthy heart rate increases, a quickening of breath, and stress-related blood pressure rises as the body prepares to fight or flee from the source of the stress. If this sounds like you, you’re not…