15 Examples of Positive Self-Talk When You’re Feeling Down
Last Updated on 3 years by Iva Ursano
You know, I’m a firm believer in talking to yourself. I believe that your mind believes what you tell it. Today I want to share 15 examples of positive self-talk that you can implement right away to change your life.
I never use to have positive self-talk. My internal dialogue used to be all negative. I had a hard time trying to say nice things to myself. I didn’t even realize that my words had power, great power, until a few years ago to be honest.
I used to have really low self-esteem and my inner voice would say things like this:
- you’re too stupid
- you’re ugly
- no one wants you
- you’ll never succeed
- nobody likes you
It was pretty sad to be honest. Those are just a few examples of negative self-talk that not only me, but many of us use often. And we all know that negative feelings, negative self-talk creates negative impact on our lives.
Remember, our minds believe what we tell it.
These days, most of my *in person* conversations go something like this:
- where did I put my keys?
- am I losing my mind?
- do these jeans make my butt look fat?
- why don’t my cookies look like the picture on Pinterest?
See how they’re not quite as damaging and mostly just silly negative self-talk? I’m a lot gentler on myself these days.
But honestly, my favourite conversations with myself usually go something like this:
- your hair looks awesome today (it’s always about the hair)
- my God I’m beautiful
- I sure love my life
- I am in such a ridiculously good mood today.
Yup those are my favourite ones. These positive self-talk examples should be used by everybody.
My self-talk wasn’t always so positive
Me, myself and I really are best friends now. We weren’t always though. Up until about 8 years ago, myself and I fought all the time. It was hell. Really.
Sometimes me and myself and I would get into some juicy arguments too. The struggle was real. Yup, for most of my life, the three of us could barely stand each other.
But about 8 years ago, we went on a major road trip. Myself resisted a bit because she knew what was coming. Me was a little apprehensive but willing nonetheless and I was very eager to take this trip.
Me, myself and I went on a road trip of a lifetime, literally, and came back with empty suitcases. Yup.
We dumped all our emotional trash. We had a bonfire and burned it all. We roasted marshmallows and drank tequila. We were free.
But seriously…
My mental health was declining and I knew I had to change something. The first step for me was recognizing something had to stop.
I had to learn how to stop my negative self-talk
I learned how to not only deal with and get rid of the past and all the triggers, but I also learned how to have effective conversations with others, how to improve my self-talk, and how to retrain my brain to stop negative self-talk.
I had to learn all that and let me tell ya, that was hard to do.
I had to reverse all the damage that was done when I was10 years old. I had to forgive and release the trauma from between the ages of 10-45 (now that was really hard) and I had to protect myself from my negative internal dialogue and negative people.
I had to learn not only the power of positive self-talk but I had to train myself on how to do it more and how to utilize it more.
I think you might really like this video I recently uploaded on my YouTube channel about how to stop negative thoughts. While you’re there, don’t forget to hit the subscribe button!
How did I learn all this new stuff?
Through forgiveness and changing my conversations.
I went from
- “My God you’re stupid” to “Awe that’s ok, you’ll do better next time!” and,
- “Omg you aren’t as pretty as you think, look at how bad your skin is” to “You get more beautiful every day”.
It takes practice. It takes a lot of self awareness to realize your talk is negative and you have to switch it immediately. Sometimes it’s even hard to come up with positive words to say instead of the negative things.
This is why I wrote this. To help you with this and give you some positive self-talk examples that maybe you never thought of!
Before we get into this I just want to share my new signature course with you, My Big Fat F***ing Beautiful Life. I created this course to give you the tools you need to change your life. It’s powerful and it’s NOT for the faint of heart BUT it’s totally for you if you are really ready to change your life.
15 Examples of Positive Self Talk
So while you’re trying to retrain your brain to say only positive things, which I might add, is hella hard and can be somewhat frustrating, here are 15 more things you should tell yourself daily.
It’s so important to switch off the negative self-talk, shut it up, and start saying only positive things. You’ll immediately start to notice the benefits of self-talk too.
You’ll see how things in your life start improving, day by day. It’s awesome! This may sound too good to be true but
- positive mindset =
- positive outlook =
- postive thoughts =
- happier life!
It really is that simple.
Now look, don’t get me wrong. I know life isn’t all rainbows, lollipops and unicorns. Sometimes life throws us some really crappy things. But the way you talk to yourself while you’re going through it will make or break you.
1 I’m gonna be ok
This may sound kind of lame at first but when you think about the times you stress for nothing, really, and continually say “Oh this is bad” or “Oh damn, we’re doomed” or whatever, you’ll realize that you probably say that more than you think.
Start saying “It’s ok. Everything will be ok. Don’t worry. Take a deep breath and chill out.”
Really. Start saying those things lots. All the time. The power of these positive statements in this moment will save you from a ton of grief
2 I can do this
Fear is a son of a gun. He’ll stop you dead in your tracks all the time. He comes up with some really stupid excuses all the time. He thinks you’re stupid, but you’re not.
Your subconscious mind will absorb what you feed it. Don’t feed it lies like fear!
It’s time to tell fear to take a hike and start telling yourself that you can do this. “I got this. I can deal with this. I can handle this no problem!” Give that ego of yours a big boost.
A great way to flick fear, by the way, is to do one thing that you’re really afraid of. Once you’ve conquered that, you’ll be unstoppable.
3 I am fearless
So take the positive affirmation from above and add to it. Not only can I do this but also I am fearless. Now while this may seem hard to say at first because you really are scared out of your tree, if you say this and take deep breaths at the same time, you’ll start feel better and believe it.
I don’t think anyone is 100% fearless but you also don’t want fear to control your life. We will never be completely free of fear, but we can learn how to handle fear better.
4 I am perfect just the way I am
Ok, I know that none of us are perfect, but man, do we need to beat ourselves up so badly all the time? Hell no.
There is nothing wrong with you. Each and every little thing about you is unique to you so how can it be anything but perfect? It’s perfectly you. Embrace every ounce of you.
I love this quote by Dr Seuss:
“Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive, who is youer than you.”
5 I love myself
Like, look at yourself in the mirror daily and say “I love you!!”
How often do you do this? How many times do you either look at yourself in the mirror and say this or just randomly be walking through a room and tell yourself “I love you”?
I’m gonna guess you don’t do it hardly enough. Tell yourself this daily, many times. All the time. Sing it, shout it, whisper it, however you want to do it (mind you, singing it is really fun!), just do it.
The powerful mental health benefits of doing this is mindblowing. Trust me on that one.
If you struggle with self love, you might really like this mini self help eBook from my You Are Amazing mini series. Click on the link or the image below to grab your copy now.
6 I’m good enough
Yes, yes you are. You are good enough just as you are. If you want to improve your life it’s up to you to do that when and if you’re ready but don’t let anyone tell you that you are no good and you need to change.
You have to realize that all your conscious thoughts and actions up to this point led you to where you are right now. This doesn’t make you a loser or stupid or not enough. You did what you did with what you knew. There’s nothing wrong with at all.
7 I am not a failure
I think this is my least favourite ‘f’ word. Failure. Ugh. NO one is a failure. No one has failed at anything ever. Like point 6 above, you did the best you could with what you knew.
At least you tried.
Pride yourself for at least trying. Pride yourself for doing the best you could. Pride yourself on how far you’ve come and remember this is not the end for you!! Go you!!!
8 I am amazing
Like everyone needs to be using this positive self talk example a million times a day because it’s true. YOU ARE AMAZING!!! (by the way don’t forget to check out my ebook store of the same name!)
You are unique and magnificent and amazing and awesome and so much more! Did you know there is no one else on this planet who is as amazing as you are?
Just, wow!!!!
9 I deserve great things
Yup you sure do. Great things, great love, great abundance, great happiness, you get the idea. You deserve all great things.
Just because you never had great things before doesn’t mean that they will never come to you. Start believing that good things are coming your way, make way for them and watch them roll in.
10 It doesn’t matter what people think of me
Ever never ever it doesn’t ever matter what anyone thinks of you. So many of us are looking for validation and acceptance from others. I used to do that too.
But why do we do that? Because we don’t think highly enough of ourselves. Time to stop that nonsense and stop seeking approval. Remember, you are enough, you are amazing and what other people think of you doesn’t matter.
11 I get better and better each day
Self improvement isn’t a one time thing. You need to work on your personal growth daily, which can be a lot of work but rewarding! Your mistakes from yesterday don’t matter anymore.
What matters more is the progress you are making each day. Remember no one is perfect.
Also, if you surround yourself with encouraging positive people, eventually you start thinking like them and that’s a good thing!
12 It’s safe for me to release negative self-talk and toxic limiting beliefs
A powerful tool in helping release limiting beliefs is not only mindset work but writing in a gratitude journal about all you are thankful for and how amazing and blessed your life is now.
When you start doing this on a regular basis and make it part of your daily routine, soon you will see the positive changes that will happen in your life. I’m not even joking.
13 I am my own best friend
Learning to not only love, but even like yourself can be hard work. You have to learn to become your own best friend. If you don’t like you how will others like you?
Take time in your every day life to compliment yourself and remind yourself how awesome you are. Reward yourself for all the good things and all the positive changes you are making in your life.
14 I love the skin I’m in
This can be a hard one for many women if we are battling our weight or we think we’re ugly. I’ve had skin problems my entire life and for the most part, hated my skin. I’ve learned to love the skin I’m in now. This is the skin I have and it will never change.
My looks don’t define me or make me a bad or good person. Only my unconscious beliefs will do that.
If you are unhappy with your weight, it’s up to you to change that. Of course you can come up with a healthy way to live to help you lose weight. Remember your physical health is just as important as your mental health
15 I will let go of things I can’t control
So many of us are control freaks. There I said it. We want to control everything. But we can’t. The only things you can control are yourself, your emotions, your feelings and your reactions to things like stressful situations or when you’re having a bad day.
I love listening to mindful meditations to help me release control and just be present within myself and my own emotions. Be here now if you will.
You might really like this article I recently wrote. It’s always top spot on Google too!!
11 Peculiar Reasons Why No One Likes You
The importance of positive self-talk
Most of our negative self talk comes from our childhood or toxic relationships where we may have been the victims of mental and emotional abuse. Remember one very important thing. You are not your past. You are no longer who you thought you were because so many people plugged negative thoughts in to your head.
You’re not that person anymore.
You’ve been beating yourself up for the last how many years now and look where that got you.
Try and start using more of these positive self talk examples and watch what happens. The importance of positive self talk goes beyond anything I can explain better than I did in this article.
You have to remember, always, that when you talk to yourself, guess what? You are the only one listening. Make the conversation a lovely one. Every time. The power of positive self talk will blow your mind. Trust me.
Peace and Love
xo iva xo
Thank YOU 🙏🏼 for making my 🔆day beautiful 💕🦋🌈✨🥀💫♥️
This sounds like what I need. Been in a funk since 2019 when ui lost my son. Then my mom 2019. Its been rough trying to get back to the person I was.
Oh I’m so sorry for your losses Julie xoxo. You may not go back to the person you once were but the newer version of you is waiting for you.