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5 Things to Remember When Your Dreams Die (and you feel like giving up)

Last Updated on 5 years by Iva Ursano

Where are all the big dreamers here? Mememememe!! We should all have dreams of some sort and we should also try to realize as many of these dreams as possible. But what happens when our dreams die and we feel like giving up?

Unfortunately, that happens sometimes.

When we have a dream, there are a few questions we ask ourselves almost immediately:

  • how long will it take to achieve it
  • is it possible (and really, just about anything is possible)
  • can I do it
  • how badly do I want it
  • what will others think (ya, most of us still have those thoughts I think)
  • when should I get started

I mean, there’s probably a million more questions but these are the ones that pop up into my mind first.


“I had a dream”


How can we forget these great words by Martin Luther King Jr? “I had a dream”. Amen Martin. So did we.

Ok, so now that we have a dream it’s time to do something about it, right?

Pull out everything you’ve learned about the Law of Attraction and manifesting miracles. Grab your headphones and listen to every imaginable podcast and video there was ever produced to help you manifest the life of your dreams. Krazy glue your vision board to your office wall. Make a pretty journal dedicated JUST to this dream. You got this.

Here we go…..

and then…

Nothing happened. It didn’t happen. You did everything you were told to do and you fell flat.

So, Universe, what the heck? Like, really? Is this a joke?



So what do we do when our dreams die?


Before you start beating yourself up and wondering where you went wrong, take these 5 things into serious consideration because after all, it’s not all your fault. Please keep in mind, some of these may be hard to swallow at the moment and you’ll probably wanna cuss me out but….anyway.


1 It wasn’t meant for you.

Really. It wasn’t. Sometimes what we think we really want is clouded by our one-directional mind. Kinda like that whole not seeing the forest for the trees or not seeing the trees through the forest or however that saying goes (you know how that one goes, you get it).


2 There is something better for you.

How many times have you heard that one? Does it make the hair on the back of your next stand up when someone says that to you? Well, it’s true though. You didn’t get what you wanted because it’s not good enough for you. The Universe stepped in and saved you (you can thank her later).

3 You’re free now.

Admit it, once your dream fell apart (or fell through) you breathed a small sigh of relief. You know you did. We practically heard it all the way here. Working towards realizing your dream was taking a toll on you. It was. It’s exhausting. You can rest and recharge now. Decompress if you will. It’s time for you to take time for you.


4 How smart are you now?

I bet you are absolutely brilliant now! I mean, look at all those things you learned while you were trying to work on your dream. You would have never learned any of that stuff if it wasn’t for this dream. You may not need these new skills soon but one day I bet they will come in handy, if not for you, maybe for you to help someone else (and helping others really is so much fun!!!).

5 Stand tall and proud.

Self confidence anyone? Your’s probably took a big dump but remember something here, what you did and all the steps you took to try to make this work, well most people probably wouldn’t have even had the balls to start and try. You did!! Look at you! You will soon become everyone’s hero. Trust me on this one. Everyone loves someone with balls (ok that came out wrong).


When your dreams die, find new ones!


You know, dreaming big isn’t for the faint of heart. Actually, taking your dreams and working your butt off to bring them to reality is friggin hard and not everyone is up for that kinda hard work. You were, you did and you are stronger, smarter, and wiser for it all.

Yay, you! But just remember, even when some of your dreams die doesn’t mean you can’t have new ones!

I’ve had a million dreams throughout my life. Some of my dreams died and sure that’s hard to deal with but you just move on. Find new dreams to dream.

Peace and Love



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