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Don’t Believe Everything You Hear – Follow Your Passion

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The internet is a great source of information, amirite? We like to watch YouTube tutorials, learn how to build and fix things, and even listen to the odd guru about startups and other kinds of fun stuff. But you can’t believe everything you see, hear and read.

Here’s my story about how one so-called guru gave me advice a few years back that left me stunned, in disbelief, and out to prove her wrong.

I’m on a mission to change the world one smile at a time. My goal is to reach as many people worldwide as I can. Show people that they can live ridiculously happy lives no matter what they have been through. Help them be as joyful as they possibly can, every day all day. That’s my goal. I want people to believe in themselves and their dreams.

And to eat chocolate every day.

Stop! I can’t believe that nonsense.

When I was still living in Sudbury, (which for those of you who have no clue where that is, it’s way up in Northern Ontario Canada, a nice-sized mining town) I was speaking to a marketing guru and telling her my plans of world domination and to spread sunshine all over the place. Her words to me were “It’s almost impossible to reach a global market.”

Wait, what??

Whaaaat are you talking about? Excuse me? Did I miss something? A memo maybe?

Stop it. Are you for real?

That made me think. Even though I am new to most of this online networking stuff, I know I have much learning to do still and I will learn as much as I can and not believe everything I hear or read. We often tend to take some people’s word as gospel and never challenge or question it. “Well Debbie said so, so it must be true because she’s an expert”. How many times have you found yourself thinking that?

They said, it has to be true, I believe her.


I CanPin

This, my friends, is a perfect example of when you have to NOT listen to who you think the experts are and do what you feel in your heart and soul. Persist and forge full steam ahead! Just because someone says they are an expert and don’t get me wrong, they probably are, doesn’t mean that they have all the answers and their answer is the final word. Don’t stop at NO.

I play and live by my own rules now. If someone tells me it can’t be done, I will keep trying until I find a way it CAN be done. Nothing is ever set in stone! Always remember that! If you have something in your heart or head that you absolutely want to do, then do it!! Who said you can’t be a game-changer? Who??

I am a mover and a shaker. I am operating on a very high vibration right now and it is pulling me towards awesomeness and spreading love and joy around the world. There is nothing that will get in my way. Not even the experts.

Dig a little deeper


When someone says no, find out why they said no, do some research of your own, and see if you can make that a yes. Remember, at one time, all the billionaires, online gurus, and all the other ridiculously successful people probably heard a  ton of “no it can’t be done” but they didn’t take no for an answer, it didn’t stop them and they figured out a way to succeed.

Never let one person’s frail piece of advice stop you from your dream or succeed in achieving your goal. Keep looking for answers and ways to accomplish and fulfill the dream and passion that’s in your heart.

Fast forward 4 yrs.


Here it is now, a little over 4 years later, and I am living my dream life in sunny Guatemala, the proud owner of a Facebook page with over 600,000  warriors and together we reach over 5 million people a week, a super fun and awesome online store and a successful blog.

Whaaaat?? You heard me. Don’t tell me I can’t do something because that will make me want to do it even more and prove you wrong. (At the time when I was talking to this marketing guru back home in Sudbury for advice, my Facebook page had about 500 souls on there. That’s it that’s all).

I’m not sharing those numbers or that huge accomplishment with you to brag. Hell no! I am sharing now to let you know if I can do it, so can you!!!

Because of my crazy persistence and determination, my Pinterest traffic is also mindblowing!

Do what you feel in your heart.

If you think you can’t do something because someone said it can’t be done, think again. You can do, be, and have whatever you want. If you can dream it, feel it, and believe it, you can have it and do it. Not everyone has all the answers.

I wonder how many people we will reach worldwide when our page hits 1 million?!.

Do you love listening to inspirational podcasts? Check out mine!!

Wanna know the #1 thing you need to do today to change your life? Drop your info below and I’ll share my secret with you!

Peace and Love

Iva ♥

(This post contains affiliate links so if you make a purchase I make a small commission but the best part of that is the more I make, the more hungry bellies I can feed here in Guatemala-win win!!)

why you can't always believe the gurus or the expertsPin
Why you can’t believe all the gurus all the time

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