5 myths about forgiveness (and why you need to do it more)

5 Crucial Misconceptions About Forgiveness (and why you need to do it more!)

Forgiveness will always be a necessary thing. Until humans can become flawless and walk without offense, we will need it. The fact that it can be so easy to do wrong to others, even unintentionally, or be wronged, should give us a healthy appreciation for it. For any kind of relationship to endure it must…

how to stop worry and live the life you deserve

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living the Life You Deserve

I’m a dreamer. A big dreamer. Lemme tell ya though, dreaming big is scary. I dream of winters in hot tropical places (goodbye Sudbury winter!!), traveling the world, burning up the highway in a hot convertible, having a drop dead gorgeous husband (hello Johnny Depp), standing on a big stage talking to thousands of people….

how to find your purpose in life

If You’re Looking For Your Life Purpose Ask Yourself These 5 Questions

I sat down by the lake this morning, that’s Lake Atitlan in Guatemala for those of you who are just joining me and have no clue where in the world I am, and I looked around in immense awe. I absolutely positively still cannot believe I am here. I didn’t get here by magic either…