spiritual gift, spirituality, fun quiz, accurate quiz, empaths, energy healers, personality test, spiritual ability

Which Spiritual Ability Do You Secretly Possess? Find Out Now!

Oh this was such a fun quiz. I’ve always considered myself a Spiritual person but only because of my loving and caring nature. This great spiritual ability quiz really clarified it for me and helped me to determine what spiritual ability I secretly possess. Turns out I’m an Energy Healer but I sort of knew…

divorce, marital troubles, relationship breakdown, forgiveness, life coach, separation, spouse wants a divorce, how to be happy, letting go, moving on, just let it go

What to Do When Your Spouse Wants a Divorce (but you don’t)

“I’ve had enough. There’s nothing left that can bind us together. I’m leaving you.” Can’t believe your ears? Hard for you to accept the fact that your wife is out of the relationship? These are not mere “words”. She is claiming she wants a divorce and she means it too. For you, everything was just…