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What is Your Secret Psychic Ability? Find Out Now!

Last Updated on 2 years by Iva Ursano

Ooooh I loved this quiz!! It was filled with unique questions. Some of them actually made me think a wee bit. I’m a bit of a quiz nut in case you haven’t noticed and be thankful that my whole website isn’t riddled with them. When I saw the “find out what your psychic powers” are I was all over that one.

Do you ever feel psychic? Sometimes? Often? Not at all? I would have to go with often for me. I’m highly intuitive and feel things and people (even animals and kids) at a very deep level. It’s kinda neat actually.
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Secret Psychic Ability

So after going through these great questions these are my results. I’m not surprised to be honest.

Your Emotional Intelligent quotient shows that you are a powerful psychic.

You are a powerful psychic. You know things that you shouldn’t know and see things that aren’t there. It freaks some people out, but you’re used to it. You’ve been this way your whole life. You might, though, be even more powerful than you realize. Hone your ability. Learn to use it, and you will be rewarded.

Did you know that I do Intuitive Angel Card Readings because my intuition is so high I can help people!! I love it!!

Your turn

Go ahead and try out this intriguing test for yourself to see how accurate, or otherwise, it is for you. Do you ever think about studying to try to increase your psychic abilities or powers? Sometimes I do but I wonder if that would be too freaky! :o

If you liked this quiz why not check out a few more. I’ve listed some of the fan favourites below to make it easy for you! You’re welcome :)

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        1. Well from all tht seem to be saying wow or related comments, I assume tht all who take test are psychic, Tht tells me rest is just a fun game. No more…
          I wouldny read too much into it, we all know deep down wit we are or if. Unless like me u choose to either ignore, or like others who believe they are but its nothing more than a case oif lying to themselves and loooking foolish and woo hoo!

  1. It said I was a powerful psychic also. And I purposely made my answers as negative and off as I could. Pure BS.
    I dont have a psychic molecule in my body

  2. I’m a powerful psychic and I can relate to this. I feel, sense, see, and hear and detect energy around me. I’ve only witnessed seeing someone’s aura once but I still did see it. It was sunny yellow and I approve and I’m in favour of these quizzes.

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