Full moon February 2020-Be courageous and strongPin

Full Moon February 2020-Be Courageous, Be Strong, Be Passionate

Last Updated on 4 years by Iva Ursano

Ah the lovely full moon is once again upon us. Do you love it as much as I do? SO much energy flying around for this one. The main energies for the full moon in February are asking you to be courageous, be strong, be passionate but be cautious.

The full moon this month, also called The Snow Moon falls on February 9th.

I’m excited for this one. I’m ready to put the energies of last month (January) behind me and get ready to kick some butt and get stuff done. January was a trying time for many, myself included. Did it feel like it had 68 days? UGH!!


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Energies of the full moon


There is much to be said about the energies of the full moon. Some still don’t believe the full moon has any effect on anything. Tell that to the farmers.The full moon is a time to release things that no longer serve us, including people and to take back some personal power.

It’s also a fantastic time to do a full moon ritual and set some powerful personal intentions. I wrote a blog about full moon rituals and why you should do them. You can read it here:

Full Moon Ritual and Why You MUST Do it Every Month

I also recently discovered full moon water (don’t think I’m crazy) and the intense powers it has on us. You can check out that blog here:

The Powerful Effect of Full Moon Water and Why You Need to Make Some

(that last one will blow your mind!)

I want to share a full moon meditation I use every single month. I love this video.

So what are the energies this month then?


It’s time to be courageous, strong and passionate


This full moon is in the sign of Leo and if you know anything about Leo’s it’s all about courage, bravery, pride and being bold. Think Leo the Lion. Got it?

It’s time to stop playing small. It’s time to stop running away from things that scare you and putting your dreams on hold. It’s time to stop with all the limiting beliefs and step into some hard core passion, bravery, inner strength and just be courageous!!!

But it all comes with a small warning, naturally.

Leo’s tend to be a little selfish too. Watch out that you aren’t stepping on people’s toes, hurting people with your actions or not taking someone’s feelings into consideration.

So basically, be bold, but don’t be a jerk about it.


Are you looking for love?


I’m gonna really step out of my writing comfort zone here and talk about looking for love under the energy of a full moon. I’m not a psychic nor am I an astrologer. I don’t predict the future and I’m not gonna tell you when you are going to meet your soulmate…….


This is a fiery and passionate full moon, just like Leo’s. If you are in the market for love or ready for love, it’s time to start saying yes to invitations, go to places you normally wouldn’t go to and make sure your heart is fully open to receive the love you so desire.

Now what I mean by that last statement is this. If you’re still hanging on to your ex or crying the blues because your relationship is over, or whatever, you ain’t ready for love yet.

You must let go of the past, release your ex and make room for someone new. Capiche?


Are you looking to change your life?


Are there some things you know you need to change in your life but you’ve been too afraid to do so? I get it. Change is scary. But it doesn’t serve you well, at all.

This is an extremely important and powerful time for you to be courageous and start making some of those life changes you keep putting off. Don’t do that anymore. Nothing changes if nothing changes, right?

We just completed a 21 Day Life Changing Challenge over on my Facebook page Amazing Me Movement and it was amazeballs. If you missed it, fear not. I created this workbook for those who couldn’t attend it or missed it altogether.

1 Day Life Changing Challenge Workbook

Sometimes a challenge like this is just what we need to push us straight out of our comfort zones!!


Are you ready to be courageous and take control of your life?


Now’s the time. If not now, then when? Stop saying tomorrow. Today is the tomorrow you talked about yesterday. Live this month like a child full of wonder and excitement with no fear. Boldly step where you’ve always wanted to and have faith that the Universe is right beside you.

It’s time for you to start believing in yourself and your dreams and know that you have the power in you to make your dreams come true. Don’t worry about what other people think. This is your life, not theirs.

Do what YOU want to do. Listen to the song in your heart. Pay attention to the whispers in your soul.

Happy full moon-ing!

xo iva xo

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