Loving Me and Hating You – An Open Letter to My Ex.
Last Updated on 2 years by Iva Ursano
Your love was like looking in a mirror: My soul reflected back to me. Only, I didn’t realize it. That is why it hurt so badly when you didn’t look back. I never chased myself, so why would you? Loving you was work.
When you disregarded my feelings it was just me overlooking myself. I always put others first so why wouldn’t you? You loved me as I loved myself: Not at all.
When you looked at me, I was seeing myself reflected in your eyes. I made it okay for you to devalue and belittle me. I wasn’t worth it in my own eyes, so why would you think differently?
I didn’t respect myself. Why would you?
I was living in a false mindset that if I led with sexuality everything else would fall into place. No wonder love was so gut-wrenching.
Now I am raw and real. Loving myself.
Take it or leave it because I’ve got me and I am loving me.
I don’t need you to validate me. I don’t need you to complete me. I don’t need you to be the glue that holds me together.
If you want to disrespect me, ignore me, devalue me, then brace yourself. I’m not taking that crap anymore. I don’t do it to myself anymore so you surely won’t be allowed.
I am my own true love. I am everything I need all bundled into one awesome package.
It all makes sense now that I’ve been awakened. I will be the one to heal myself. You can do whatever you like but it won’t be by my side.
I yearned to have you back in my life. Sobbed my eyes out hoping you would think of me and miss me. Ask me back. I begged you to talk to me so we could work it out.
Thank God you didn’t call me or text me. Thank God you told me to “move on.”
At first, I moved on in the way I always told my girlfriends: “The best way to get over someone is to get under someone.” I spread my legs and gave myself away to even more men who saw me for the reflection I was projecting: worthless, something to be used.
I drank myself into a stupor. Stopped eating and cried endlessly, longing for your validation.
I even thought about running my car off the side of the mountain. What was the point in living? I couldn’t see beyond the fog of my despair.
Then a sliver of light shined through my darkest of days. It pierced into my heart and soul and slowly started a fire.
Now an untamable flame burns deep inside.
It cannot be smoldered. I see me.
I see myself in all my nakedness. I see myself in my raw power. I love every scar on my flesh. I love every stretch mark on my thighs. I love every freckle on my body. I love me.
I won’t be tossed aside as a forgotten lover. I won’t tolerate disrespect. I won’t be ignored. I won’t react with hatred or even cause a scene. But when I disappear from your life, you will know why. If you don’t love me the way I love myself, I don’t have time for you.
I love myself today, tomorrow, and always. I am awesomely me. I am loving myself.
Rachel Johnson is a former journalist who has always found healing through words. She resides in North Carolina where she is rediscovering herself and opening up to love, joy, and abundance.
WOW!!! That’s Deep!! I Love It!!!?!!!….Thanks for sharing ? Iva!!!?
Wasn’t this a great one?? I loved this one so much. Glad you enjoyed it MaryLou.
xo Iva xo
Wow all the words and feelings i know so well..but to read it that happens to others…THIS IS MY LIGHT OUT OF THE DARK PLACE….THANK YOU THANK YOU
Hey Donna isn’t that an amazing piece? I loved this blog. Glad you enjoyed it and thank you for your comment.
much love
Good stuff! Good for you! I SO relate to this reading!
wow Iva I luv reading your stuff !! word for word i can relate.. looking forward to read the next & next & neat one..xx
Thank you. I can’t take credit for this one though. A guest blogger submitted it xo
Thank you for sharing Iva, so deep and mean, I saw myself all through