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Delight, Luck and Surprise! The Exciting Full Moon in June

Last Updated on 6 years by Iva Ursano

Oh yay!! Rejoice. It’s full moon time (June 27th) and this one has crazy surprises and delight! Yippee. Are you starting to feel a little bit excited? Is your energy becoming restless because you just know good things are on the way? I’m suddenly full of piss and vinegar and can’t wait to see what manifests for me in the next few weeks.

Let’s break this moon down a bit. It’s in the sign of Capricorn and if you know anything about this sign you know that Cap peeps are full of ideas, very practical and go getters. They are on a mission and will leave no stone unturned looking for answers. Be like a Capricorn during this full moon energy. I think the surprises that will show up for you  will delight you.

Your ideas will bring you delight

So knowing that this moon is in Cap and knowing that peeps in this sign get shit done, let that be a sign for you. You know what you want to do. You know what you want to manifest. You know what your burning passion and desire is, now is the time to bring it to fruition. Figure out how to do it, who do you need to talk to but most importantly, if fear has been holding you back, it’s time to flick that to the curb. Got no time for that.

When you put your intention out to the world with bravery and confidence, you will be amazed at what it returns to you. Open your consciousness to the belief that you do deserve what you desire and once you do that, let it happen. Let your desire show up for you.

Feeling lucky these days?

Though I’m not a fan of the word luck and I don’t believe in luck, once you’ve opened your heart and mind to the belief that you can have what you want, and things start magically showing up for you, you will almost feel like the luckiest person in the world. Start the process early by believing that you are “lucky” and the things you want are coming. If they are for your higher good, they will show up!

Strawberry Full Moon

This full moon in Capricorn is also named the Strawberry Full Moon. Remember the seeds you planted in the new moon of this month? (you did plant seeds, didn’t you?) Watch them bloom and flourish now. It’s a sweet time! As your crops start growing, remember you also have to nurture them. Stick with them. Do what you have to do to make them the greatest crops of the year.

It’s also a time to pick the weeds. Is there something in your life that doesn’t serve you anymore? Is there someone who has the potential to kill your crops? Get rid of ’em them too. Be selfish. It’s your time and this is something you must do for you and your growth. Dump the naysayers. They aren’t living your life, you are.

People are awesome

We learn a little bit about ourselves, and others, from the company we keep. Open yourself to meeting new people, learning new things and growing your circle. There just may be someone you meet during this full moon energy who can help you with your dream and  passion. Ah more delight! Yay!

Remember that dream or passion you have? That goal you want to reach? People will play a huge role in you achieving it. Stay open. Listen with your ears, not your mouth (know what I mean). Don’t discount suggestions from other people. Sometimes we don’t see things the way others do. Put your ego aside. You don’t always have all the answers.

Full moon ritual

Time to put your intentions out to the moon and the universe. While you’re moon bathing ( I should really blog about that) which means, basking in the light of the moon for at least 15 minutes,an hour really is best, feel your intentions, really feel what it is that you want and what you want to achieve. Feel like you have it already. Feel the feeling of what it will be like when you have it. The moon’s energy feels you and will return it back to you tenfold.

Here’s to us and our dreams coming true!

Start howling!!

Peace and Love



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