How to Stop Fear From Robbing You of the Life You Deserve
Last Updated on 2 years by Iva Ursano
Did you know that right now fear is stopping you from living the life you yearn for and deserve? Yup, it sure is. There are so many things you want to do, try, achieve, attain, or whatever the case may be but fear won’t let you have it. Your fear is robbing you of LIFE! Wanna know how to stop fear from ruining your life? Read on.
Fear is the #1 killer of dreams.
It is. I promise. Up after that is comfort zones, limiting beliefs and self doubt. If you succumb to any of these 4 things, consider yourself blind or worse yet, dead. Blind in the sense that you no longer can see the future. All of you “live in the present moment” people simmer down for one second here.
We work to create a better life for ourselves. We learn to expand our knowledge and our life. We want more than life has to offer now. We want our future to be brighter than our past or present. Nothing wrong with that. I’m working towards my future. I’m sure most of you are too.
But if fear is present in your life to the degree that you aren’t willing to try anything new to enrich or enhance your life then you’re blind. Dead or flatlining as I like to say. Actually one of the favorite things I like to say on my Lives over on my FB page is “you got plenty of time to flatline when you’re dead, don’t do it now”.
I can’t see anything!!!
Of course, you can’t see anything. You’re crippled with fear, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs. You can’t see a darn thing. You don’t even wanna look. You can’t see outside of your comfort zone.
Oh, but you know, you just know, there is something absolutely magnificently beautiful over on the other side. You know you know. But you slip back under a comfy blankie, grab the remote and continue to channel surf. The TV is easy to see.
The future isn’t. (Ya ya, live in the present moment. Not now.) How are you to see what you can possibly create for your life if you don’t even give it a chance?
It’s hard to see what your life could be like as a freelance writer who travels around the world and lives a fulfilled life if you don’t get off the couch. Just stop thinking about that now, that’s too scary.
It’s hard to see what your life could be like as a successful business owner if you stay in your comfort zone and continue to work for the dragon slayer. Just stay put, you’re fine where you are.
It’s hard to see what life could be like as a professional UFC fighter if your limiting beliefs keep telling you you’re not good enough and you never will be. Just give it up, you’ll never make it.
Why not you?
Why can’t the world be changed by you? Why can’t the next heavyweight champion be you? Why can’t you sit on the beach in Mexico and write your next blog? Why not you?
Why can’t you accomplish great things just like Rhonda Byrne or Les Brown or Andrei Arlovski? Who says you can’t? The only thing keeping you from achieving greatness is the blinders you are wearing.
You can’t see this greatness that you can quite possibly achieve because you’re too scared and blind to see that you can do, be, or have anything you want (except you can’t be a unicorn, sorry) as long as you face your fear!!!!!
Can’t you see that fear is blinding you from living the life you deserve to live? Can’t you see that the life you so long for is on the other side of your comfort zone? Can’t you see that your limiting beliefs are holding you back from chasing down your dreams, bringing them into fruition and owning them? Stop fear now!!!
Can’t you see?
Are you struggling to flick fear, embrace change and step out of your comfort zone? Please check out my new eBook From Hell to Happiness. Filled with tips to help you live the life you deserve. Click here to download it now!
Peace and Love
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